
Showing posts from March, 2017

Outfit || Rainy Day Gray

  Hello there readers! I seem to have taken a brief blogging hiatus without telling you, but you see, I hadn't given myself any advance notice either. ;) Sometimes life gets busy, and bloggers are uninspired (or just lazy). What matters is that I am back this evening, and even have new clothes to tell you about! I hope that in the time since we last "met", you have had many good days and plenty of accomplishments.  :)

Outfit & Thoughts || "No Lace, Mrs. Bennett!" // Beauty in Dress

   Last Sunday I had the rare opportunity of combining two new things together in an outfit, having a free afternoon, and enjoying a sunshiny day! Everything combined at the right time for my first real blog shoot don't remember how long! This one features my new boots and a lovely feminine top. If Mrs. Bennett lived in modern times and had taken it upon herself to describe this outfit to her husband, he probably would have begged her to stop once she started in on the lace. ;)

Outfit || Walk Between the Raindrops

   Hullo all! How has your week been? As usual, I have been keeping busy, but enjoy the satisfaction of getting projects done at work and home. The weather has been dreary out West, and has taken toll on the morale of we who live beneath the storms. However, I am grateful for plenty of water after a long drought. For the past two weeks, there have been breaks in the rain when Mom meets me for lunch on my full days at work. There is a nature trail near my place of work, so we have had the pleasure of taking short walks together. While we were out today, Mom took a few outfit photos on her phone.