
Showing posts from May, 2018

Outfit & Thoughts || Hats Off // In His Image

  Hello, readers! Before getting into this post I want to apologize for anyone who tried to comment on my blog last week and found their comment not showing up. I had the text set to white instead of black, so while you were able to leave a comment, it was impossible to read! This hiccup has been fixed. Also, if you ever need to find the sidebar, click on the three lines in the upper left corner. :) Now, onward!

Photography || Beauty Near & Far (+ New Look!)

   Hello and welcome to the new, more streamlined Sunday Best and all the Rest! What do you think? I'm excited to have a more clean, mature look without compromising on personal style. My first post with the new look is here to show you what wonders of Creation can be found at home and abroad!

Outfit & Thoughts || Burgundy Top // When Jesus Doesn't Fix It

   Hello all! It's about time for an outfit post, isn't it? A couple of weeks ago I had an impromptu shopping session and found a few new things, two of which I'm sharing today. In addition to a new look I would like to share a few thoughts with you about a subject that's been on my mind lately.

Misc|| Life Lately

  Hello and how do you do, readers? It's almost 10:30 pm in the midst of a busy weekend, but while scrolling Facebook  a little while ago (honesty moment here) I had a sudden revelation - I haven't blogged yet! Because I don't have any recent outfit or nature shoots to share, I'd like to try my hand at Sunday Best's first ever "Lately" post. Let's you and I catch up a bit, shall we?